J R Paul Lanthier P. Eng.
Recognized as a world expert in the fields of Physical Asset Management, Operational Excellence and Reliability and has pioneered the new science of Organizational Engineering.
Vanessa Alarie, cand. au Ph.D.
Client Engagement Manager
A multidisciplinary and adaptable instructor and project manager, Vanessa is known for her creative problem-solving skills in entreprises. She excels in communication, interdisciplinarity, design and content analysis.
Daniel Alarie
Development and Innovation Director
Recognized team builder and motivator with 30 years experience in asset management, reliability and maintenance. Daniel ensures an approach that is global, measurable and practical.

Denis Moreau
Applied Organizational Engineering Director
Denis participated in numerous asset management and business unit performance improvement initiatives, applying his extensive technical, organizational and cultural abilities and experience.
Jim Mair
Senior Specialist
A Maintenance & Reliability Professional, MMP designation & RCM2 Practitioner, Jim is a longtime proponent and practitioner of reliability-driven performance improvement. With over 30 years of experience in maintenance & reliability, Jim brings best-in-class technical knowledge coupled with real world experience to the people and clients he works with. As a Senior Specialist at Summit Reliability, Jim is an active participant in discussions with key clients acting as a technical resource in the design & development of asset improvement plans.